When was the last time

When was the last time that you scribbled away on a pristine white wall to glory till someone had to snatch the pencil away from your hand
When was the last time you smeared chocolate all over your hands, face, wall and dress and anything else that you could land

When was the last time you put on your left shoe on the right foot and right shoe on left and put up a smile as if you have conquered the Everest

When was the last time that that you were mortally afraid of a pigeon fluttering its wings, trying to fly and at the same time eager  to go near it and see it brood her egg

When was the last time you ran to the front door with a sense of urgency to check who is there, exhorting someone to open the door, when anyone came calling

When was the last time you attacked every bit of news paper and magazine that you found as if it was your worst enemy and destroyed it by shredding

When was the last time you ran away from the room when you were offered a glass of milk to drink and you did not want to drink it anyway

When was the last time you crept lovingly up the lap of someone having some snacks and pleaded for a morsel of the food in your own way

When was the last time you picked up the phone and spoke to an imaginary person at the other end for some time, finally ending the call saying “ok, bye" and putting the phone down.
When was the last time you used the living room for what it is meant for - playing and enjoying life, scattering on the floor all the toys and every bit of any movable item that you could find, created and wondered at the beautiful mess, oblivious to your mother’s frown
When was the last time you decided that the utmost bliss in life is to play in the bath tub, splash water with gay abandon, and resist with mind and body when anyone tries to pull you out of your goodtime
When was the last time you lived in the present, enjoyed the moment, no hoot for past or a care for future, no goals, no targets, no worries, no fear, just life sublime
When was the last time you lived, you loved, you laughed, you learnt every hour, every minute
When was the last time you became a curious 2 year old with a loving attitude to match it


  1. In my opinion, this is the best of all your posts till now. :-)

    1. Thanks Suds :) I too like this very much. It was written with my daughter in mind. These are the kind of activities she keeps doing.


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